
Don’t ever do this to reporters!

Never ever! What caused the crash? The flux capacitor! Or capacitator… doesn’t matter. The reporter did not invent it herself. She was there to report on an aviation accident. And apparently, some wise guy at the airfield thought it would be funny to blame the crash on the faulty flux capacitor. And the news went…

Two world record holders, award winners and… a shark

Zara (FlyZolo) and Mack Rutherford (MackSolo) were awarded by the Royal Automobile Club as the youngest winners in history. The siblings received the Royal Automobile Club’s Segrave Trophy, first awarded in 1930 and featuring aviation pioneers and motorsport stars. Previous winners include Lewis Hamilton and Richard Branson. Zara and Mack flew solo around the world…

The story of Darius and Girėnas

90 years ago two Lithuanian pilots Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas crossed the Atlantic on a flight from New York to Kaunas, the then capital of Lithuania. They never made it to the destination. Their plane, a six-seater Bellanca, crashed in Germany, probably because of deteriorating weather conditions. The two pilots died, but entered the…

How to communicate a safety incident to the media?

A plane full of holiday-makers bound for sunny Turkey enters war-torn Ukraine, whose airspace has been closed for over a year. A case for aviation safety investigators but also for the media and… communication professionals. If you were the spokesperson for this airline, what would you tell the media and your current and future passengers?…

A false doctor

Recently, there was a case of a man who posed as a famous doctor and specialist in hearing problems, claiming to be a graduate of Polish and US universities. He captivated media attention with his intriguing discussions on hearing issues and even ran a private practice, where he sold hearing aids at inflated prices. However,…

5 steps to communicate successfully in extreme crisis

The recent global crises have revealed the value of simplicity, consistency and honesty in communications. Those leaders who applied these values seem to be more effective than those who rushed into action and produced contradictory rules, orders and messages. If you run a business and find yourself in a major crisis, simplicity, consistency and honesty…

How do you communicate figures?

⚡An engineer corrected a press release.His version read:The modernization resulted in emission decrease: SO2 and SO3 from 200 mg/nm3 to 154 mg/nm3, HCL from 250 mg/nm3 to 16 mg/nm3 and particles from 23 mg/nm3 to 13 mg/nm3 ( O2 = 6% )🤔.👉Cute, isn’t it😍? So how do you communicate figures?👉In press releases?👉In Facebook posts? Simplify!Make…