Month: June 2022

How to effectively manage communications contractors 

Is it better to centralize your pool of communications contractors, or instead allow each manager to hire their own agencies and freelancers? Small organizations have fewer dilemmas: one business, one person responsible for communications (comms manager or the CEO themselves), one PR agency or a freelance contractor. But problems can occur as the size of…

Work or hobby?

🤔Work or hobby?PR or aviation?👉Or both? For a few months now I have been enjoying the pleasure of combining my professional experience (communications, public relations) and my hobby (aviation). I have been helping two amazing young people tell their stories. Zara Rutherford ( has flown around the globe as the youngest woman in history. Her brother Mack…

Do you need PR?

👉We don’t need PR, our work speaks for us.👉Feel the same way?🤷‍♂️Then keep scrolling to other posts. Are you still here? Then maybe there is a slight chance you need both: doing a good job (in whatever business you are) and PR / communications / skills and strategy to talk about what you do to…